What do we do when we feel like we’ve failed? 🤷‍♀️

Well, first and foremost, there really is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Although, I know sometimes it’s hard to see that in the moment.

It’s important to take these moments and learn from them.

What can you do better next time?

What did that moment teach you?

Perception of failure has nothing to do with your self-worth or the true essence of who you are. Why give meaning to it? It doesn’t mean anything about you. Give yourself credit for doing the thing, putting yourself out there, and moving beyond discomfort.

There are moments in our lives that can trigger our fears. Oftentimes, fear is triggered because we’re growing and expanding beyond the boundary of our comfort zone (where TRUE growth happens).

For example, I experienced a moment of perceived failure within my business. I had a session with a client and my internet was wonky, the call kept dropping, and the vibe just wasn’t there. She was distracted. I was anxious. We ultimately had to reschedule. For a moment, I let feelings of failure swell to the surface…

“Maybe I’m not good enough” “

“I suck at this”

“Who am I to lead people?”

As humans tend to do, I beat myself up about it. But then I remembered what I preach all of the time… everything is energy. This feeling of “failure” is just energy, and I consciously choose to let go of the meaning and surrender to the lesson within.

And to be honest, it was my ego and lack of self-confidence that wasn’t the vibe, not the unforeseen issues that happened to arise. Perhaps the call dropping was a sign from the universe that it just wasn’t meant to happen.

What I’m trying to say is….

Failure = Growth

Failure = Feedback 🗣

Failure = Resilience 💪

Failure is part of success. Like Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work

So, what do we do when we feel like we’ve failed?

💜 Have the courage to try again (never give up)

💜 Find the lesson and use it to fuel your growth

💜 Don’t dwell on what went wrong, focus on the solution

💜 Forgive yourself

Repeat after me:

I am worthy of success.

I am grateful for every experience.

I release all fear of failure.

I choose what I become.

I am fearless.

I am good enough.

….because you are 💕

I love you.

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