Your body is the vessel that houses your Soul.

It has wisdom of its own, and it sends intuitive messages to your mind, as a guide for what your body needs to thrive.


Oftentimes, the suppression of our emotions can block the intuitive nudges our body is giving us; and the wisdom it is gifting us, that allows us to experience physical and emotional healing.

When we don’t allow ourselves to fully feel our emotions, we are ignoring what our body is telling us. Our body will talk to us in ways that show up such as anxiety, fear, or nervousness. These feelings have messages for us.

This is, essentially, the human experience. We are here on this Earth Plane to learn life lessons that ascend our spiritual growth. We get to be here to experience the breadth of human emotions. As much as our emotions can feel overwhelming at times, they truly are a gift.


Take a moment to think about how a baby or toddler processes emotions. A baby fully expresses their emotions. They don’t hold anything back, right? They cry when they need something. They yell when they’re angry.

Somewhere during our childhood years, we learned to suppress our emotions. Perhaps we were told things like “stop crying” or “children should be seen and not heard” by our parents or caregivers. This is the childhood programming that has affected how we express our emotions in adulthood.

When we are able to fully express our emotions, it is healing and cleansing for the body. Emotions are ENERGY IN MOTION. They want to be felt, acknowledged, and then RELEASED.

Suppression of our emotions can create physical dis-ease in the body, or enhance the emotions we perceive as “negative” (i.e. anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration, etc.). Viewing the emotions as neutral rather than positive or negative helps us move through them in a healthy way. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to feel.

Your Feelings are valid.

You matter.

Your feelings matter.


There are several tips & techniques you can do to help you move through your emotions:

  1. Rage Dance and/or Primal Scream: Throw on some rock music, and let yourself RAGE. Dance the energy out. Punch the air or a pillow. Let out a wild, primal scream at the top of your lungs. This feels AMAZING when moving through anger or frustration.

2. Therapeutic Shaking: In nature, when animals are stressed or afraid (i.e. when they’re being chased by a predator) their bodies naturally go into a state of shaking. This innate trembling mechanism helps them to release tension after a life-threatening event. It helps to return their body to a normal state. Therapeutic shaking can do the same things for our bodies. You can shake your arms and legs or jump up and down, to literally shake the emotion out of your body.

3. Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping): This technique is a form of therapeutic acupressure, where you tap on the meridian points of the body (the same points that are used in acupuncture), to create balance in the body, move energy, and release stuck emotions.

4. Journaling: Write it out! Grab a journal and write out how you’re feeling. Get everything out onto a page, and then burn it after (safely outside, of course).

5. Breathwork: Pranayama techniques, such as the Circular Connected Breathe I facilitate, are a powerful way to regulate your emotions, gain intuitive insight, and release what is no longer serving you.

6. Ask someone to “hold the bucket”: This is a technique I learned in leadership, and it’s so incredibly supportive. Call someone you trust and ask if they can “hold the bucket for you while “vomit” everything that you’re feeling until it’s all out and the intensity has decreased.


Listen to your body. When we listen to its cues, feelings, and signs, we strengthen our connection with our intuition. The techniques listed above are some ways you can help move the emotions so that you’re no longer holding them in your body.


Emotions are energy, and we want this energy to be flowing rather than stagnant. I like to think of stuck emotions like stagnant water. When water has nowhere to go, it tends to accumulate dirt, grime, bugs, and bacteria. Whereas when it’s flowing freely, it’s naturally cleansed and alive. It replenishes itself.

We can learn from our emotions and choose to perceive them in a positive light by staying curious. For example, maybe that anxiety you’re feeling is really just excitement. Perhaps that fear is really just passion. Perception is everything!


All in all, give yourself grace when you’re going through a tough time. Know that within every breakdown is a breakthrough. Trust the process. Acknowledge your strength. Love yourself unconditionally.

Remember, you are the creator of your life. You have all the resources you need within yourself. Healing starts by connecting with you and filling your cup first so that you get to show up in your full power.

Take committed action and make an empowered choice to change your life for yourself. By doing so, you’ll create a ripple effect that transforms your relationships with your family, friends, and those you serve. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself as you move through your emotions. Honor your body and give yourself the gift of forgiveness.

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