How to Manifest THE BEST New Year!

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Welcome to the New Year!


May this year be one of joy, health, & prosperity.

May you have the courage to embody who you desire to be to create the life of your wildest dreams.

May you recognize the power within to be, do, & have everything you desire.

I believe in you.

A’ho & So it is!

*If you’d rather listen instead, check out the audio version on YouTube HERE.


The energy of the Gregorian New Year is a potent portal for new beginnings.

Whether you are resting & relaxing within the slumber of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere or seeing the seeds of your dreams bloom in the South, it’s a beautiful time to set new intentions.

What would you like the next 365 days to look & feel like?

Who do you get to be to guide the fruition of your dreams into physical reality?

How do you get to commit to yourself, & show up for the dreams on your heart?

Journal & reflect on these questions if you feel called to or speak your words out loud for the Universe to hear.

4 Sacred Ways to Manifest the New Year of Your Dreams

I’d like to share a few tips, with the intention that they awaken your Spirit to the infinite possibility that lay before you, & call your Soul to move forward through this New Year portal with an aliveness that lights you up inside.



Choose a word(s) for the year


Let go of what no longer serves you





Here are 4 Practices to Manifest THE BEST 2023

1. Choose a word(s) for 2023  Our words are our wand, hence why we use SPELL-ing when we write. I encourage you to choose 1-3 words that represent how you’d like to feel this year. These words get to be your anchor . You get to infuse them into everything that you do, as a gift of encouragement, motivation, & inspiration for your 365-day journey through 2023.

Ritual: Use your word in meditation as a mantra, repeating it 108 times or include them in an affirmation to repeat to yourself daily. Place the words around your home as an inspirational reminder.

2. Let go of what no longer serves you  Reflect on the challenges of 2022, and what you’d like to leave behind as you step into this new beginning. Cutting cords with people, places, or situations that caused us pain, hurt, frustration etc. is a powerful way to let that shit go .

Ritual: Write a cord cutting letter in a fire ritual. Address the letter to yourself, write down what you want to let go of and leave behind in 2022, including the lessons your learned and then SET THAT SHIT ON FIRE – safely outside, please.

oprah winfrey

“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”

3. Express gratitude – When we let go of something, it’s beautiful to infuse that which we released with gratitude for all of the lessons it gifted us. This is also a powerful time to express appreciation for the gifts of 2022.

Ritual: Write a gratitude list, feeling the appreciation in your heart space as this energy raises your vibration.

4. Create your ideal day – This is the fun part! Manifest exactly how you’d like your ideal day to go. Journal how your life would be if you had a magic wand and could create anything. What is your morning and evening routine? How do you feel? What do you see? Who are you with?

Ritual: Write out your ideal day in present tense, & visualize it as if you’re looking through your own eyes, living your dream life. Do this as many times as you’d like throughout 2023.

May these practices serve you well, & support you with manifesting a magical 2023!

You’re beautiful, you’re worthy, & I LOVE YOU.


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