
 Sacred Ceremony, Breathwork, & EARTH-BASED Healing Practices

ceremony & ritual

1. Sacred Ceremonial Service

Ceremony Process

Your ceremony will be a safe and sacred place, where all ranges of human emotions are welcome. It is where you get to share your unique experience, learn, grow, and be held in your own journey of healing and transformation.

Each ceremony will be focused on a specific topic, process, initiation, or healing; tailored to individual needs (if 1-on-1) or the collective participants (if group setting).

The intention of this offering is to create a journey or vision quest to pathways of healing and transformation. A path that leads you to a life of abundance by transmuting Hucha (dark, heavy energy) into Sami (high-frequency energy).

Deciding If This Is Right For You

The ceremony space is right for you if:

🌱 You are ready to celebrate a new beginning or start a new chapter in life

💖 You desire to manifest a dream/wish or want to call in more abundance

🐝 You are in need of physical or emotional healing

🗝️ You seek answers to a question or want insight on a life circumstance/situation

What You'll Receive

✨ Length: 90- to 120-minutes

✨ Intention setting ceremony

✨ Pachamama offering ritual

✨ Guided vision quest

✨ Integration & closing ceremony

Energy Exchange/Price

I DO NOT charge money for these ancient practices, for they are a gift from Pachamama. I am simply the vessel/channel/hollow bone.

I DO charge for the energetic exchange. As the facilitator, there is a lot of energy being transmuted, channeled, & worked with which can be taxing on the mind & body.

This fee allows me to continue being of sacred service in the community, supports my family, & allows me to replenish my energy with self-care and self-nourishment.

COST: $222



2. 1on1 and Group Breathwork

Breathwork Process

Breathwork is an ancient conscious breathing technique that has been incorporated into practices such as yoga for centuries. The roots of this sacred practice date back to ancient India. There are mentions of pranayama (“PRANA” = Life force energy, “YAMA” = Control) in several ancient texts that date back thousands of years.

It is a therapeutic healing session, led by a certified breathwork facilitator who is your guide, & the bridge between the physical (breathe) and the spiritual (life force energy).

There are incredible benefits to breathwork, including emotional and psychological healing, enhancement of physical health, as well as transcendental, deeply spiritual experiences.

Breathwork is a powerful holistic healing modality, and experiences can vary widely. You may experience an intense session with emotional purges, deep healing, and profound insight or you may simply feel relaxed and calm. However your experience unfolds, it is exactly what is meant for you in the moment.

Deciding If This Is Right For You

Breathwork is right for you if you desire to have:


💤 improved sleep, concentration, & focus

☺️ Less anxiety, stress, & restlessness

✨ Enhanced intuition

💪 Increased self-confidence & self-esteem

❤️‍🩹 reduced physical pain

📿peace, relaxation, & harmony

🗝️ new perspectives & insights about life circumstances

🌸 greater clarity & reduced brain fog

💜 spiritual connection

🌳 feeling grounded & centered

What You'll Receive

🦋 Intention Setting Ceremony with Energetic Clearing

🌬️ 90-minute Breathwork Session

✨ Integration & Closing Ceremony

Energetic Exchange/Price

PRICE: $222

Payment plans available upon request. 

My highest intention is to bring these sacred healing modalities to the collective. If you desire to experience a breathwork session, and do not have the financial means, I do offer a sliding fee scale.

divination sESSION

3. For Healing & Manifestation

Divination Process

Divination sessions use the power of tarot, oracle cards, charms, pendulums, and intuitive insigh to support you with gaining insight into a question or life circumstance. 

Deciding If This Is Right For You

A Divination Sesion is right for you if:

🌸 You desire clairty or guidance

🗝️Seek answers to a life question or circumstance

👣 You’re unsure of which path to take & desire to make a decision

🔮Desire to see how a decision may play out in the future


What You'll Receive

✨ 60-minute Zoom Divination Session

✨ Recording for lifetime access

✨ Intention setting ceremony

✨ Tarot reading with divinatory practices + intuitive counseling

✨ 2 questions

Energetic Exchange/Pricing

PRICE: $55

Payment plans available upon request.

My highest intention is to bring these sacred healing modalities to the collective. If you desire to experience a DIVINATION SESSION, and do not have the financial means, I do offer a sliding fee scale.

questions? Send me a message!