My prayer for you 🙏

God, Angels, Spirit Guides, benevolent ancestors connected to Divine Source Energy, may this message reach those in the collective who need it the most. May those who read this be blessed with abundance, see their power, know their power, discover their purpose, and live a life of health, wealth, and happiness. And so it is.

What is a Vision 🤔?

Your vision is what you want for your life. It is your dream. It is where you give yourself permission to dream, and let your imagination run wild. Your vision is sacred, and it’s where you get to embody who you want to be and create from THAT place. Here, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

How to Overcome Fears, Doubts, & Worries

Sometimes, when we are creating our vision, we can feel stuck in the past or stuck in our old ways. Because up until now, you’ve been operating from a conglomerate of all of experiences you’ve gone through. The experiences that have shaped you into who you are now. There are lessons we’ve come here to learn, and rather than hang onto those experiences, we get integrate the learnings and release the rest.

Healing begins when we give ourselves permission to release the past, and let go of what no longer serves us. It may feel like the past is locked within our bodies, as emotions tied to those experiences come up. Maybe you have memories of certain things that you wish you could have done differently… or maybe you experienced trauma as a child, teenager, or young adult. Here’s the secret to releasing the pain of the past: You’ve got to FEEL IT to HEAL IT.

Did you know, we literally create new bodies every 7 years? We shed dead skin cells and our bodies physically renew themselves. So in reality, our past ISN’T locked within us. Just like your body, you have the power to create a new future. Your vision is about creating a future that you love; one that is filled with joy and freedom.

The Role of the Concious & Subconscous Mind

To begin creating your vision, it’s important to understand how the mind works. There is the subconscious part of our mind, which is 90-95% of our brain function, and there’s the conscious mind, which is 5-10% of it. Think of these two parts like an iceberg in the ocean…

We’re only consciously aware of the tip of the iceberg, the part that can be seen above the water. The rest that we can’t see, the larger part of the iceberg below the water, is like our subconscious. That’s where our memories are locked and stored. That’s where where create out habitual patterns.

In order to create your vision, live that vision, and achieve your goals, you must work with the subconscious mind because that’s where your habits live.

To tap into the subconscious mind, you first go through the conscious mind. The conscious mind is where we experience our senses, and interpret information through feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting, and smelling.

The subconscous mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined, and that’s where our vision comes into play. If we can visualize our future, and continue to do that on a daily basis, we then begin to step into the person we desire to be; we start living from that place by taking actions steps that get us closer and closer to our desires. Eventually, our subconscious mind is going to create new habits for us.

Don’t Worry About the “How”

When you’re creating your vision, don’t worry about the “how”. The how isn’t as important as getting clear on exactly what you want. If you can continue to focus on your vision, the “how” will come together on its own.

You will begin to get insight from God/Source/Higher-Self. You’ll start getting intuitive nudges on what do to next, and what steps you need to take to get you where you want to go. It’s important when you get those intuitive hits, to act on them quickly. Failure to act on those insights is detrimental to your success, because the Universe loves speed.

Take inspired action, because the insights you recieve are opportunities that the Universe is providing you, so that you get to take the next steps.

How to Manifest Your Vision

To manifest your vision, you have to feel what you want to feel, hear what you want to hear, and see what you want to see. In other words, use the gift of your imagination! Stay connected to your vision. Create a vision board. Meditate. Visualize. Post pictures on your mirror. Do something to help you stay focused on what you want.

What DO you truly want?

If you had a magic wand, and you could be, do, or have anything in the world, what would you create?

Exercise: Create Your Ideal Day. Grab your FREE worksheet 👉 HERE, that walks you through exactly how to evoke your vision and create your ideal day. In this exercise, you’re going to go into the future and start to reprogram you subconscious mind, create a new future, and release the past.

Subconcious Programming

Often times, we have this subconscious programming from when we were a child. We have these paradigms, or a multitude of habits, that we learn over time from our parents, society, school, etc. You have the power to consciously change this programming. You get to CHOOSE to wake up every day and live like the person you desire to be; and then you begin to show up as her in the world.

Trust yourself. Trust the signs you’re getting. Trust the synchronicities. Trust the symbols you see. Trust that the insights you’re getting are meant for you, and are the next steps you get to take to create a life you truly love.

At the end of the exercises in your worksheet, you will feel like a whole new person. This is your rebirth. You get to start living from that place of confidence, and start moving towards what you want.

Honor Your Emotions

Focus only on what you do want, as much as you can. If fears, doubts, or worries come up, honor your body and emotions. Emotions are ENERGY IN MOTION. They are coming up to be released. Here is an exercise you can do to help you release any negative emotions that may arise 👇.

Exercise: Ask yourself, where does this emotion live in my body?

What is the color, shape, and size of it?

What does it feel like?

What is the lesson or message it has for me?

Now that you’ve connected with- and identified the emotion, imagine the emotion in form (just as you identified above) draining from your body, fingers, and toes, back into Mother Earth to be transmuted into Positive Source Energy.

Keep Going, No Matter What

When you’re focusing on your vision and where you want to go in life, it’s only going to expand further. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away. Think about how long it takes to make a baby: 9 full months. Your dreams and wishes may also go through a gestation period. During this period, our desires are getting into alignment, events have to take place, we make choices, we take certain actions, etc. The Universe has to reorganize itself to manifest our desires into physical reality.

So, don’t get discouraged. Keep moving forward. Meet resistance with persistance, and continue to move towards your goal. Whenever you feel like you’re losing faith, tap back into your vision, because that’s going to help you feel how you want to feel. You’ve got this!

Grab your FREE Vision Worksheet Here 👇

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